











From Sep.2002 to Jun. 2007:
Doctoral Degree Education, research interests: Computer Networking, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless mesh networks areas.
I Received a Doctorate Degree in Computer Science, Wuhan University, China on June 2007, Co-supervised by Prof. Yanxiang He (Dean in Computer School, Wuhan University, China) and Prof. Xiaohua Jia (Chair Professor in Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong).
From Sep.2005 to Jun. 2007:
Member of City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Institute (Supervision collaboration scheme of City University of Hong Kong & Wuhan University), Research student at Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
From Sep.2002 to Jun. 2004:
Research student of the Key Lab for Multimedia & Network Communications Engineering of Hubei Province, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
1998.9-2002.6 武汉大学计算机学院本科
2005.9-2007.6 武汉大学计算机学院香港城市大学电脑科学系联合培养博士研究生
2006.5-2006.8 香港城市大学电脑科学系助理研究员(Research Assistant)
2007.7-2008.7 上海财经大学信息学院教师
2008.10-2010.10 武汉大学电气工程学院博士后流动站博士后
2008.11-2009.10 爱尔兰国立科克大学计算机系研究员(Postdoctoral Researcher)
2012.8-2013.8 美国佐治亚州立大学访问学者(Visiting Scholar)
2010.11-至今 武汉大学电子信息学院教师


数据结构Data Structure

 机器学习Machine Learning


博士生公共英语(how to read, evaluate and present an academic paper)


Mobile Edge Computing, Urban Sensing,Human-centric Sensing,Big data


Yuanyuan Zeng, Deshi Li, “A Self-Adaptive Behavior-Aware Recruitment Scheme for Participatory Sensing”, Sensors, 15(9), 2015, DOI: 10.3390/s150923361. (IF: 2.245)
Yuanyuan Zeng, Deshi Li、Athanasios V. Vasilakos, “Opportunistic fleets for road event detection in vehicular sensor networks,” Wireless Networks, Jun. 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-015-0976-2. (IF:1.194)
Yuanyuan Zeng, “Adaptive Collaborative Detection for Opportunistic Vehicle Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2014, Article ID 275609, 8 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/275609.
Yuanyuan Zeng、Deshi Li、Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Real-time data report and task execution in wireless sensor and actuator networks using self-aware mobile actuators, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 36(9), pp.988-997, 2013.
Yuanyuan Zeng、Kai Xiang、Deshi Li、Athanasios V. Vasilakos , Directed routing and scheduling for green vehicular delay tolerant networks, WIRELESS NETWORKS, 19(2), PP. 161-173, 2013
Yuanyuan Zeng, C. J. Sreenan, L. Sitanayah, N. Xiong, J. H. Park, and G. Zheng, “An Emergency-Adaptive Routing for Building Fire Hazard in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Sensors, 11(3), 2899-2919, 2011.
Yuanyuan Zeng, C.J. Sreenan, N. Xiong, L.T. Yang, J.H. Park, “Connectivity and coverage maintenance in wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Supercomputing, Feb. 2009, 52(1), pp: 23-46.
Yuanyuan Zeng, N. Xiong, Jong Park, L. T. Yang, “An interference-aware multichannel media access control protocol for wireless sensor networks," Journal of Supercomputing, June 2012, 60(3), pp: 437-460.
Yuanyuan Zeng, Xiaohua Jia and Yanxiang He, “A Distributed Algorithm for Constructing Energy-Balanced Connected Dominating Set in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2(1), Apr. 2007, pp: 68-76.
Yuanyuan Zeng, Jie Wu, Naixue Xiong, and Deshi Li, “Energy-Efficient Routing and Rate Allocation for Delay Tolerant Networks”, ICDCS, the 2nd International Workshop on Cyber-physical Networking System(CPNS 2012), June 18-21, 2012.
Yuanyuan Zeng, K. Xiang and D. Li, “Applying Behavior Recognition in Road Detection Using Vehicle Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications Symposium, pp. 751-755, Jan. 2012, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Yuanyuan Zeng, N. Xiong, L. T. Yang, Y. Zhang, “Cross-layer routing in wireless sensor networks for machine-to-machine intelligent hazard monitoring applications,” IEEE InfoCom 2011 Workshop on Machine-to-machine Communication and Networking, April 2011.
Yuanyuan Zeng, S. Murphy, L. Sitanayah, T. Tabirca, T. Truong, K. Brown, C.J. Sreenan. Building Fire Emergency Detection and Response Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Proc. of 9th Information Technology & Telecommunications Conference (IT&T), Oct. 2009..
Yuanyuan Zeng, Cormac J. Sreenan, and Guilin Zheng,” A Real-Time Architecture for Automated Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks”, The Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications(ICWMC), Cannes La Bocca, French Riviera, France, August 23-29, 2009.

无线传感器网络技术与应用 清华大学出版社 ISBN: 9787302365358 曾园园(独著) 2014
Hao Jiang, Qimei Chen, Yuanyuan Zeng, Deshi Li, Mobile Data Mining and Applications, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, May 2019, ISBN-13: 9783030165024.


担任国际期刊International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services (ISSN: 1942-2644) 编委
担任国际期刊International Journal of Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems(ISSN: 2071-2987)编委
担任PlatCon 2015、ICWMC 2014 、MSN 2013、BWCCA 2013、DATICS-GPC 2013 、DATICS-IMECS 2012、DATICS-NESEA 2012、ICWMC 2012、ICWMC 2011、DATICS-ISPA 2011、DATICS-NESEA 2011、ICEE 2010、ICWMC 2010、 DATICS-ICIS 2010等多个国际会议的大会程序委员会委员(Program Committee)
担任国际期刊ACM Trans on Sensor Networks等的通讯审稿人


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